Unless the product has a specific expiration date listed, a product shelf life is 2-3 years.
Products with an expiration date on them usually have an active ingredient (such as SPF) that expires prior to our normal 2-3 year shelf life.
Products like Wallflower Bulbs, Scentportable Refills do not have a shelf life of 3 years. They will remain fragrant as long as they are unopened.
Products should be stored in a cool (25c)/dry place with minimal exposure to direct light to optimize product shelf life.
The born-on date (manufacture date) can be determined by the Batch Code which is a combination of number and letters that are either stamped into the bottom of the product or crimped into the top seam of the product.
For products made in 2010 and beyond:
The 1st digit will be the year. The next 3 digits are the day in the year
Example: If a product was made 1.25.12 then the batch doe will be 2025XXXX
2 represents the year 2022
025 represents the product was produced on the 25th day in the year (January 25th)
For product made prior to 2010:
The first four numbers are used to determine the date the product was manufactured. Example: 1045C1A4
The first 3 digits are the day of the year. The 4th digit is the year.
In this example, the product was produced on the 14th day of 2005
Smaller Beauty items have short Batch Codes. For these items there is usually the last digit of the year, then the batch sequence (up to 2 alpha numeric), and the vendor code. For example, if the Batch Code read C703, then the product was made in 2007, the 03 would be the batch sequence and the C would represent the vendor code.